Sunday, December 2, 2007

Ok, I just got an email from someone who reads my blog from the "Pole Junkies" forum. She placed an order with and she said "they took my money and never sent my stuff. Then I couldn't find a phone number for them, so I tried emailing, and no one contacted me. So I snail mailed a letter to the address on the site, and it came back closed, out of business. And yet, I still get emails from them every week." I did a little more research and I found some info on BBB and from what I have also found on a few other forums is that this happens to several people. Some of the girls were able to get what they ordered but I will remove them from my list of links and will not advise that anyone order from them.

It's good to do research on the companies before you place an order and check with BBB or google the companies name to see what you can come up with. here is another link and here again in another link

If you have experience with any of the shopping links on here please feel free to share....good or bad.