Saturday, July 28, 2007

I hurt

I can't get on the pole or really move or even sleep becasue I went to a baseball game the other day and I got sunburned really bad. I am just sitting on the computer looking for some good songs to put a cd together. I will send the list to my stepson who can make me a good cd...between the music that we both I have I should get some good cd's out of the deal. I'm kind of wierd when it comes to music..I love EVERYTHING!!! My collection looks a little strange though...I have the soundtrack to "Annie" next to my Lil Kim cd....go figure that to that I have a CD by Gretchen Wilson...I told you I am a little odd with it.

OK, I am off to go find some good songs...I will write more later...and wish me a speedy recovery ;)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I did not realize that a month has gone by. How did that happen so fast? I have been kinda busy. I was working out like crazy and then I got a puppy....he take up so much of my time but it's ok though. I was able to put links up on the side for shopping so if your looking for something you should be able to find it in those links.

Anyways, I am getting to the point where I need more space to dance in and I do not use my pole at home as much as I would like because I need more space. I am still working on building up my strength...that is something that can always be worked on though.

I will get back into the swing of things within the next week or two. I have a major training at work over the next week and a half that I need to really put all concentration into. If you can think of any other links that I may of forgot please fell free to let me know so I can add onto what I already have listed. Thanks!